Wednesday, February 04, 2009

A Morally Acceptable Life...

What is a morally acceptable life?
How do you ought to live?
How do you know you are acting morally or acting immorally?

Three Way(s) of living, either by your:
(2) BEHAVIOR and
(3) GOAL

or Virtue Ethics/Morality:
You ought to possess certain character traits- e.g., kindness, generosity, compassion, etc and these ought to be manifest in your actions To make the correct decisions (later on) in life, you develop your good character traits, such as kindness, generosity, compassion, etc. you break bad habits of character, like uncaring, greed, hate or anger. These are called vices. When you have virtues, you are becoming a morally good person. When you have vices, you are becoming an immoral or a bad person.

BEHAVIOR or Deontology Ethics/Morality: You ought or ought not to be performed, irrespective of the consequences, there are intrinsically good or bad acts To make the correct moral choices, you simply have to understand what your moral duties are and what correct rules exist which guide those duties. When you follow your duty, you are acting morally. When you fail to follow your duty, you are acting immorally.

or Consequentialist/Teleology Ethics/Morality:
You ought to act in the way that brings about the best consequences/goals. The end justifies the means, whatever acts To make correct moral choices, you should know what will be the result of your choices. When you make choices which result in the correct consequences, then you are acting morally. When you make choices which result in the incorrect consequences, then you are acting immorally.

Another way of living a morally acceptable life is

or Relational-Responsibility Ethics/Morality:
a web of fourfold relationships with God, neighbor, world and self and these relatioships are spread out over time - past, present, and future. To make moral decisions, these cannot be made devoid of the context of relationship Everything is related to each other in a way that each being contributes to existence and the fulfillment of other beings.

It brings all the other three
(2) BEHAVIOR and
(3) GOAL

When you see yourself in multiple relationships with God, world, neighbor (other) and self, you ought to have virtues (good habits) of
(4) SELF-ESTEEM then you are becoming a morally good person.

The virtue openness to receiving God's gift (poverty of spirit) and thankfulness to orient our relationship to God.

Justice and a preferential option for the poor guide our relationships to others.

Responsibility for the earth directs our relationship to nature and the goods of this world.

SELF-ESTEEM: A proper love of self orients our relationship to self

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