1. There is no doubt that what our graduates/professionals have shared are very relevant in bridging the gap of what is happening in school and in the industry or workplace.
2. All of there testimonies and success stories are practical and encouraging for they are living proofs that there is hope and something to look forward to after DLSU & DLSU-CSB. Our graduates are awe inspiring and I am very proud of our Lasallians/Benildeans. Congratulations to all of us!3. However I was looking also for the element of CSR/ Corporate Social Responsibility or the sense of personal “social mission” on how they see themselves contributing to building up of our nation even in the midst of the economic/political crisis they find themselves in.
4. With regards to the conduct/facilitation of the program/activity: It was scheduled from 4:30 to 6:00 pm, but it started 5:00 pm.5. Our guests do not deserve audience/participants disappearing one by one at the height of the discussion. Remember that CSB TTH regular class schedule is 4:20-5:50 pm. However you can not blame students gradually disappearing for they have to run for their next class, and some of them have class in ICC (AKIC). Since the class schedule is 4:20-5:50 pm, the duration of the activity should be from 4:21 to 5:49 pm.
6. Bigger venue means you have to produce big number of participants. Smaller venue creates full-pack audience, well attended activity and a sense of intimacy and bonding when the guests and participants are that closed during the sharing. Unfortunately there was a great gulf (vacuum) between the guests and participants. The emcee repeatedly begging the students to move in front, but to no avail. (Of course the guests are Benildeans, so they would understand.)Let us continue to improve the delivery of our services to the most important sector of our College, our students. Animo Benilde!
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