Monday, September 07, 2009

Mozart's Adante, another lullaby for Mariah!

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's concertos for piano and orchestra are numbered from 1 to 27

My favorite is the 200 year old Andante in Piano Concerto No. 21 in C major (1785).

Piano Concerto No. 21 is one of Mozart's most popular piano concerti, and has three movements: (1) Allegro maestoso, (2) Andante in F major and (3) Allegro vivace assai

The Andante starts with a triplet figuration in the bass supporting a languorous melody.

After a leisurely exposition by the orchestra, the soloist takes over the triplets and shares the melody with the ensemble.

There are moments of "sadness" that are very brief, but the overall tone of the movement is bright and calm.

I also used Mozart's Adante as my another lullaby for Mariah.


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